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    Rainbow Mountain, also called Vinicunca or Montaña de Siete Colores, has become in a very short time one of the most photographed places in all of Peru, second only to Machu Picchu. You will not find information on any paper guide, at least in the...

  • 339 0

    Running in Venice is a unique experience but not simple due to the many stairs and bridges that make the route more tiring than a linear itinerary. On the other hand, you will find yourself surrounded by one of the most beautiful scenery in the...

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    When Lake Titicaca appeared on the horizon I was impressed by its size: 8,372 square meters distributed between Peru and Bolivia which make it among the largest in the world, as well as the highest being at 3,800 meters above sea level. Titicaca is the...

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    The Colca Canyon was the first trek of our trip to Peru and will always remain in my memory for two fundamental reasons: the beauty of nature and fatigue for the altitude, both majestic. Let’s start by saying that for reasons of time we left...

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    Traveling is beautiful, indeed beautiful, but sometimes it can be stressful. Just these days I’m preparing for my adventure in Peru in the next few weeks and although I can’t wait to leave, I confess that the preparation of the trip this year has been...

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    When I travel I love discovering new places, landscapes, cultures, but above all living authentic experiences of the place, traditions, colors and sensations that go beyond the most touristic routes. Browsing the web I discovered Rolling Pandas, travel site that offers selected packages among the...

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    What we most probably use is Google Maps: roaming or wi-fi permitting it’s difficult to do without online maps. Then there are the apps to find accommodation and those with reviews written by users, useful for not going blind in places we have never been...

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    Los Angeles was a city that I had dreamed about since I was a teenager, daughter of the numerous series and films of the 1990s filmed in the city of angels. Certainly glamorous and elegant, I didn’t expect the sportier side. The mild climate and...

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    As you know, during my travels I prefer to stay in apartments rather than in hotels: I love having more space and freedom of movement, also surrounding myself with the design and the typical details of the place I am visiting. I am certainly not...

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    I took my first and only surf lesson so far during my vacation in Hawaii and I won’t hide that the satisfaction in being able to ride the wave is unparalleled. Not excluding therefore the repetition of the experience, perhaps taking advantage of one of...