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    Are you planning a vacation in Milan in spring? If you are passionate about technology and innovation, don’t miss the spring geek events! Geek Spring events in Milan STEMintheCity The third edition of STEMintheCity is dedicated, in the year of the 500th anniversary of the...

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    Do you think that sharing the TV series you are watching is a way to tell and involve others in your life? Be happy, from the Netflix app iOS users can share their favorite TV series with a few simple taps on the screen: once...

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    The disappearance of the audio jack from an increasing number of smartphones is radically changing the habits of users, forced to look for more modern solutions to be able to listen to their music on the move. For this reason, the demand for Bluetooth headsets...

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    Digital nomads and smart workers are an increasingly widespread reality starting from the millenials, the generations born from the 80s onwards, and the birth of many digital professions that do not necessarily require fixed hours or places to be carried out played an important role...

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    Using apps for your daily fitness routine is now a habit consolidated by millions of users: all you have to do is insert the earphones and let the voice guide us through our favorite workout. This is what happens with the Aaptive audio fitness app,...

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    As much as I am a user of wearable devices, I must admit that only recently is emphasis also on style and not only on functionality, but in most cases there is a lack of attention to the female public and daily needs. It is...

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    Friends who are passionate about online shopping know it well: prices on Amazon can also vary greatly based on the available pieces, the period, the demand or the strategies of the sellers themselves. If for some products the fluctuations can be minimal and not at...

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    The technological boom has also invaded the catering sector, as shown by the annual report of the Toast restaurant technology sector, improving its efficiency. From the use of drones in delivery and service to check-out through apps, restaurants are integrating more and more technological solutions...

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    Lovers and nostalgic of the 90s rejoice, this post is for you: the new Wave Rider 1 sneaker combines the white base of the timeless Mizuno model with the prints and colors of the 90s collections. A return to the origins with a unique style...

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    In the last period Instagram is giving us a lot of surprises and today I want to talk about the latest feature released by the social videophotographic par excellence: the voice messages. You have understood correctly, from the private messaging section (the famous paper airplane...