It is useless to hide it: in the winter months, with cold temperatures and shorter days, the temptation to train in the warmth of an indoor environment is really great, but we must not forget that with the necessary precautions outdoor training even in winter can lead to benefits to our body and our mind.

We said, surely it is necessary to protect yourself against atmospheric agents: rain, snow, wind, humidity but above all the cold, which causes a contraction of the muscle fibers and a constriction of the blood vessels with a consequent increase in the risk of muscle contractures. We therefore dedicate the right time to the muscle warm-up phase and learn to inhale with the nose and exhale with the mouth: in addition to positively affecting cardiac regularity, this breathing avoids the irritation in the throat that is felt by inhaling a lot of cold air.

Moving on to clothing, the ideal is to adopt the “onion” style: the first layer in contact with the skin serves to maintain body heat, the second is functional to ensure thermal insulation while the third must shelter from the wind and bad weather.

With these brief premises, here are the main benefits of outdoor training:

  • lowers blood pressure and reduces stress:practicing outdoor sports reduces blood pressure and heart rate, making it less tiring than the same activity practiced indoors and thus pushing us to reach our maximum performance
  • sunlight increases energy:fresh air and natural light provide more energy to body and mind. The sun produces vitamin D and increases muscle energy and tissue oxidation
  • fights insomnia:: regular exercise and fresh air help you fall asleep faster and improve sleep quality
  • improves mood:training in the light increases the release of serotonin, the hormone of relaxation and happiness, reducing stress levels

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