There’s nothing better than getting home after a long day and … taking off your shoes: no matter how comfortable our leather boots or our designer pumps are, nothing is more satisfying than getting in touch with the warm parquet floor after running all day.
If many of us have adopted this habit for comfort and to keep the house cleaner, in the second case the problem arises when we have guests for dinner and we have to choose whether to ask them to leave their shoes at the entrance or to resign ourselves to the fact that the day after our light parquet will need a revamp.
From today this may not be a problem anymore, thanks to an accessory that allows you to wear your shoes even at home without touching the floor: I’m talking about the shoe wrapping machine, which cover each shoe with a plastic film allowing you to walk without fear of littering.


Plastic adapts to any type of shoe: from sneakers to dancers through to those with heels: just put your foot on the machine to cover the shoe at the right point.

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