Running, like walking, is a low cost sport that can be practiced anywhere, perfect for reactivating the cardiovascular system and for toning legs and buttocks.

Furthermore, if practiced consistently it helps to regain good mood, improves self-esteem and fights aging while I personally can tell you that it helps to free from everyday stress relieving tension on shoulders, back and neck and helps to rest better thanks to production of seratonin.

Despite all these benefits, sometimes running is seen as an unapproachable sport by those who don’t practice it, in fact you often ask me for advice on how to approach it.


With the right precautions, constancy and commitment, running is accessible to everybody (unless you have problems in the back, joints or heart) and there are numerous apps on market, even free, that will take you in a few weeks to run from 0 to 5 km.

Some examples? EasyRun, with a biweekly program that will take you to reach your goal in 10 weeks alternating running and walking. Not bad!


Whether you are professionals or newcomers, remember that in order to fully appreciate the benefits of running, you should not neglect the quality of the shoes, so as not to experience joint pains (which are not related to fatigue :-)).

For this reason I often talk about the latest news and new models on the market in terms of running shoes and clothing, which in turn I try during my workouts.


For example, see the new Diadora Autumn / Winter collection, which will allow you to run even in rain or cold: women’s long leggings in stretch polyester and fleece lining, long-sleeved warm up shirt, waterproof jacket, and at the feet Mythos Blueshield Fly, which with the right cushioning and foot protection are ideal for running in peace.

You just have to get off the street!

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