Adrenaline, desire for adventure, love for the mountains and its white blanket … I confess that this last part I started to appreciate it thanks to my husband and his “delicate” insistence in making me take snowboard lessons.
So for a few years snowboarding has become part of my sport with a combination of instinct (which in this context does not belong to me), training and technique … to which I add the tenacity in my case to get up after each fall.

skiing is one of the most loved sports in the world and it is not surprising that in this discipline even artificial intelligence comes into play. Today I speak to you about Carv, a device that equips every skier with a digital ski instructor ready to follow us on every track to monitor our businesses and correct where needed.


It is essentially an insole inserted into the boot and connected to the smartphone via bluetooth to provide us with the parameters of analysis and information useful to improve our performance.

The data recorded through 48 pressure sensors placed under each foot will reveal if we are balancing the weight correctly, monitoring rotation, pressure and balance … in practice we will have at our disposal a trainer that will help us to reach new goals such as increasing speed or the proper landing after a jump.

What do you think about it?

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