• 1434 0

    We all know well Colin Firth, come on … who does not remember his expression in front of the blue soup made by Bridget Jones (believe me, even I could made a better one) while he says “I like you in the way you are”?...

  • 1407

    Today I talk to you about my Roman Holiday … technologic. Yes, because I have just spend the weekend at the Maker Faire, the European edition of the Maker Faire, the most important innovation show in the world. From where can I start? The location...

  • 1008 0

    There are two things that we will never have enough: good friends and good shoes. Carrie Bradshaw docet. I confess that I’m not immune to shoes charm: boots, décolleté and ancle boot reign supreme in my shoe for fall-winter, which lately has been enriched with...

  • 1307 0

    I don’t know about you, but I love to listen to music during the day. It relaxes me, recharges me, gives me a break from everyday life, gets my travel on public transport better. For every occasion there is a playlist and I don’t hide...