The health situation of these weeks requires Italy, and other areas in the world, to limit opportunities for socializing and places of aggregation, including gyms.

Like everyone I am facing this particular moment trying to make my contribution to limit the spread of the Covid19 virus as much as possible by avoiding leaving the house … but this does not mean that I have to give up training, on the contrary!

Creating new home habits allows us to maintain a minimum of daily normality that can help us to overcome this particular historical moment in a simpler way.
So today I want to share with you some bodyweight exercises that you can do in the living room to keep fit.

Bridge to the buttocks

The pelvis must be brought up to form a horizontal line with the rest of the body and it is essential to contract the buttocks during the ascent. Place a weight on your hips to increase the load and do 15 repetitions. Then repeat the exercise with one leg straight up and change.


This exercise involves the thigh and buttock muscles mainly but also lumbar and hamstrings. Start with one leg forward and one back, do the lunge and then pick up the back leg by jumping on the spot. Then switch legs. Three sets of 15 repetitions.

Squat jump

Alternate three slow squats with three jumps with gathered legs. Three sets of 15 repetitions.

Push-up + Plank

Start from the push-up position and go down to that plank first with one arm and then with the other and go back to push-up. Three sets of 15 repetitions.

Plank with elevation of the arms

With the body in a straight line raised from the floor resting only on the toes and elbows, raise one arm and the opposite leg without lowering the pelvis and return to the starting position. Three sets of 15 repetitions.

Side planks + legs

On one side, lean on one elbow well perpendicular to the shoulder and with the body in a straight line raised from the ground, slender one leg bringing the knee closer to the elbow. Three sets of 15 repetitions.

Oblique abdominals

The perfect exercise to train the lateral abs is the following: back on the ground, knees at 90 degrees and hands behind the neck. With alternating repetitions, raise your shoulders from the ground, bringing your right elbow close to the left leg, gathering the latter to the chest and relaxing the other which must remain detached from the ground throughout the exercise. Then switch legs. Twenty reps for three sets.

Lower abs

As a supine, keep your legs straight raised from the ground, then bend them and go up with your torso, clapping your hands under your thighs or holding a weight. Twenty reps for three sets.

Enjoy your home workout!

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