Today I want to talk to you about a rather unpleasant topic: rubbing irritations.

You must know that while not sweating a lot during training (not because it does not make effort, but I think you have a sweating lower than average) I have very sensitive skin and for this reason it happens that, especially in spring and summer, you are irritated cause of sweat and rubbing with fabrics or shoes.

Fortunately there are many products on the market that help to avoid or drastically limit this problem and in particular today I want to tell you about my experience with two Vagisil products … exactly that of intimate detergents, but not only.


The new anti-rub spray, in fact, is designed specifically for athletes and I confirm that I myself can not irritate my armpits when I run under the sun only in tank top or top … and by itself it seems already a victory … but consider also that applying it on the feet you will avoid the formation of blisters due to the rubbing with the shoes in the longer sections and with the ghost socks that sometimes do not adequately protect the skin.

In order not to miss anything in terms of protection, I also suggest the Powder Protect Plus, also by Vagisil, which applied directly on the briefs will avoid irritation from sweat during training even in our most intimate parts.

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