Let’s face it: meeting new people could be very difficult, without considering that once known begins a phase of evaluation of common interests, affinities…

So today I talk to you about Social Textile, a new “wearable social network” designed by MIT students who can identify with an alert people around us with interests similar to ours. How? Simply wearing a t-shirt!

For example: are you passionate about jazz music? Well, write it on your t-shirt with the special thermochromics ink and when you get close to a person who loves jazz music too, you will receive an alert by the T-shirt, connected to a smartphone application via Bluetooth.

The project is still under development. Maybe it could be better to create different models of t-shirts for men and women and maybe in many colors, but think about the potential for who have to move to a new city or simply want to expand their circle of acquaintances!

Pending that MIT students will perfect their idea, I will just to continue to be the sidekick of my single friends during our nightlife!

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