The winter season is now alive (I started the new year with my faithful snowboard under my arm!) and if it is true that technology is used to simplify your life, today I want to talk about the latest geek news designed for the days on the snow.
I do not mean only the Action camera but wearable devices that will monitor and improve your performance.
- Carv, the wearable tracker to put in your boots: an insole connected via cable to a bluetooth tracker to be applied on the back of the boot.
- Chips 2.0
The bluetooth headphones to use with your snow helmet inserting them inside the ear muffs and connecting them to the smartphone. Volume of music and push-to-talk communications can also be controlled by wearing gloves
- Heated caps from the Heatwave line by Seirus, which amplify the natural increase in body heat.
3 interesting products, do you agree?