I think that after the Royal Wedding we can officially consider open the 2018 season of weddings … that this year will also include mine next Fall … and I think it is therefore useful to talk about etiquette in terms of smartphone use on these occasions.
The temptation to capture and live sharing every single moment, in fact, can be really high but consider that some excesses can break the etiquette and make the bride and groom turn up their noses.
So here are some simple tips to better enjoy the party:
- Photos during the ceremony. This is the most exciting moment of the day, therefore enjoy the exchange of promises and let official photographer take care of the best moments to capture.
- Exit of the spouses. This is the first moment when you can indulge yourself with photos, boomerangs or videos in super slow motion for the launch of rice or petals.
- Aperitif. It’s the most suitable moment for selfies, photos of the outfit and location set up, waiting for the entrance of the couple. Then, avoid keeping the smartphone on the table.
- Cake cutting. Here is another moment that you can avoid to capture, perhaps from unusual angles.
- The dance. The moment is in itself goliardic and you can’t miss selfies with the spouses
- After-party. In this case, more than just etiquette we should talk about common sense: the advice is to don’t share anything before the next morning after a nice coffee and an aspirin.
Do you agree?