On the possibility of running during pregnancy, we often read conflicting opinions: those who do not see any problems and those who consider it an absolutely not to do thing. As often happens, the truth lies in the middle: if it is true that running in pregnancy is theoretically possible, it is also true that it is an activity that has to deal with some limits.
The truth is that it is a very personal choice that the future mother must make after consulting with her doctor and assessing her health conditions so as not to expose herself and the child to unnecessary risks.

In my case, I had an absolute ban on running in the first trimester, since being the most delicate phase of pregnancy, it was preferable to focus on bodyweight exercises that did not include the use of the abdomen. I therefore took advantage of this period to focus on gluteal strengthening exercises, arms and stability.

From the fourth month onwards, I was able to start running on the road again, but with some precautions: taking into account the low blood pressure that can generally occur (I suffer from it normally but in pregnancy the decompensation has increased) it is necessary to limit the number of km covered and especially speed: for me at most 5 km per exit with a pace ranging from 6:30 to 7 minutes per km. Not the best, but it is necessary to compromise, put aside competitiveness for a few months and above all listen to your own body considering also the weight that starts to increase.

Another very important aspect certainly concerns nutrition, which is more important than ever in pregnancy.

  • Do not fast for too many hours: have two or three snacks during the day in order to avoid drops in strength and prefer seasonal fruits and vegetables
  • Choose low glycemic index carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bread, pasta and legumes along with cereals
  • Do not let the body miss calcium (milk, cheese and yogurt)
  • Spread the protein intake throughout the day, avoiding raw or undercooked meat and eggs
  • Eat sweets immediately after the run, unless otherwise indicated by medical conditions
  • Do not completely eliminate fats, but give preference to extra virgin olive oil and blue fish
  • Hydration is essential: it favors water and avoids excessive consumption of tea and coffee, which is better to choose decaffeinated or decaffeinated. Instead, eliminate alcohol. Consider that in an hour of running you can also lose 1000 ml of liquids, especially if it’s hot, so on training days drink at least 2.5 liters of water.

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