There was a time when walking lost coolness for the benefit of more energetic sports, but in recent seasons Nordic, Fit or Deep walking has returned to the limelight, perhaps because as running it doesn’t require special facilities or equipments.

Walking is back not only to keep fit, but also as a way of slow travel … for example in these days a dear friend is traveling alone on the Camino de Santiago (you can follow her daily adventures on Instagram.

Walking to lose weight, meditate and travel, but how to start?
Ten thousand steps is the estimated amount of movement that we should do every day (in fact my daily Fitbit goal is set on this number), it is a goal achievable with a little ‘commitment and if you are not in possession of a fitness tracker there are some apps that can help you in monitoring.

Walk with MapMyWalk – from MapMyFitness, Inc, for example, records walk performance and at the same time maps your routes and gives you the ability to share them or compare them with other people’s. You can also track how many miles your shoes have made advising you when it’s time to change them.

When 10 thousand steps will have become a habit, you can do a training upgrade by alternating the walk with other work sessions as a daily routine of body exercises or running (even for short distances).

Walking is stimulated the production of serotonin and endorphins that promote good mood and relaxation, you will also have the opportunity to practice a little ‘meditation simply by bringing attention to the breath and forgetting for a moment the daily stress.

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