Last year the lockdown caught us off guard and unprepared to face all those days at home: I admit that the phase in which I dressed every day as if I had to go to the office didn’t last long and I tried to do the best with what I had in the closet to put together outfits that allowed me to be comfortable but to be able to participate in the different video calls without fearing for my look … if you consider that at the very beginning of the pandemic I discovered that I was pregnant you can better understand my mood!

This is why I organized myself over the months and this new phase will not catch me unprepared, even if I will not have to attend business appointments for a few months it does not mean that I want to face my new life as a new mother in pajamas.

I’m sure you have noticed that in recent months many brands have added the loungewear category to their collections but don’t be fooled: I’m not talking about flannel dressing gowns or fleece pajamas, but loungewear set that you can wear to appear on Zoom or Instagram without the fear of being unkempt but without sacrificing comfort.

Personally I love basic garments with a minimalist design free of prints, patterns and basically no logo with an oversized fit which, besides being one of the current trends, is extremely comfortable to relax, take care of the house and my little new tenant who requires, believe me, a lot of energy.

I love these loungewear sets because they are particularly versatile and I can also wear them to go out and go to the park or to do small errands, just choose the right accessories and bijoux to enhance them.

If even Anna Wintour showed up at the desk with a pair of track pants, it is clear to everyone that this is not a passing trend, do you agree?

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