One of the most anticipated innovations in the last few months in the running world is the launch of the new Mythos Blushield Fly by Diadora, which premiered at the last New York marathon.


In the past few months I have repeatedly talked about the Blushield technology that allows the shoe to adapt perfectly to our feet, however Fly is a 290 gram intermediate shoe designed for runners who run fast. This is not a real race shoe but a model that is very good at distances between 10 km and the marathon.


Compared to the original Mythos Blushield has been lightened thanks to the lower profile midsole and the thinner and more essential upper with thermo-welded reinforcements that highlight the corsaiola vocation.


In the photos you see in use on dirt paths and wooden platforms and I must say that the lightness of the shoe has allowed me to maintain a more sustained pace without having to give up the comfort of the foot.

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