• 575 0

    Today we return to talk about Instagram, the social that in recent times is reserving more and more surprises, and in particular the new Emoji Slider feature, which allows you to respond to polls by sliding your finger while the emoji comes alive. Polls will...

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    I used to pay a lot of attention to my pre and post workout nutrition: if on one side before physical activity it is always good not to get burdened, it is important to find a supplement that allows us to easily and quickly recover...

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    I think that after the Royal Wedding we can officially consider open the 2018 season of weddings … that this year will also include mine next Fall 🙂 … and I think it is therefore useful to talk about etiquette in terms of smartphone use...

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    There is no doubt that on holiday smartphone is one of the essential tools: in addition to allowing us to keep in touch with friends sharing our days through social media, thanks to its compatibility with different gadgets it can perform many functions, such as...

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    Today I come back to talk with you about furniture and in particular about a startup that I had the pleasure of meeting at the last Milan Design Week: Playwood. As you know I like DIY home decorations, but it is mainly to customize standard...

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    As much as I love travelling, whether for a long trip or just for the weekend, packing is always a crucial moment: what to bring? It will be hot? It’ll be cold? Will I need sneakers? A little dress for the evening? A separate chapter...

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    Summer body mission is starting with fitness, proper nutrition and a small bust in the bodycare. Personally, I’m taking drainage supplements and give me some massage especially to legs. An ideal ally is the infrared massager Beper Body Sense, which I use every night for...

  • 1192 0

    Spring coincides every year with the need for a new pair of sunglasses … or at least it’s like that for me 🙂 Sunglasses are one of those accessories that can completely transform the look of a person but it is also a difficult choice...