This is the year of micro workouts, where preference is given to short and intense workouts with an average duration of 12 minutes, high intensity sequences to solicit strength, endurance and explosiveness in one fell swoop: an ideal type of training for those who has little time available, but wants to keep in top shape.
Here are some suggestions for a circuit of exercises to be performed in sequence for a total of 4 laps, keeping this pattern: beginner 30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of recovery for each exercise; intermediate 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of recovery for each exercise; advanced 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of recovery for each exercise.

Jumping Jacks
Also called military hops, they are easy to perform. You start from the standing position with your legs together and your arms at your sides, with a jump you spread your legs and, at the same time, bring your arms over your head. You return to the starting position with a second leap, joining the hands behind the back. The more you train, the quicker the steps between the two positions will hav

Rotation Plank
Get into the plank position, with your hands on the ground and your arms stretched out under your shoulders. Body straight and firm from head to toe. Squeeze your abs and buttocks to support your body and rotate first on one side, then on the other, supporting yourself with one arm and stretching the other upwards.

Shoulders relaxed and torso aligned with the rest of the body, place the whole foot on top of the step (or step) in the ascent and the heel on the ground in the descent. Avoid rotational movements and keep a good rhythm.

Russian Twist
Exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles. From sitting, keep your arms folded in front of the chest, keeping the legs half-bent and raised towards each other (starting position in isometry). As you exhale, push and extend your left arm and twist with the trunk to the same side. Inhale and return to center. Repeat on the other side.

Affondi alternati
Crucial when performing this exercise is to keep your back straight and make sure the weight is on your heels. You must form a 90 degree angle between the leg and the knee, with the latter remaining perpendicular to the ankle. After performing the lunge with one of the two legs, the starting position is restored and then performed with the other leg. At a more advanced level, alternating lunges can be done by jumping.

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