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    Today I introduce you a product I found recently surfing the web and that could become an inseparable accessory of my days. Often happens, in fact, that I remember tasks, appointments, things to do or have ideas in less appropriate moments: while running, driving, air...

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    Think of a woman ready for change, technological and modern, looking for performance but without sacrificing style. Do you recognize yourself? I do, and this is why I immediately loved the new collection DiadoraActive: versatile and lightweight technology with seamless garments combined with innovative fabrics...

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    Here I am back from Dubai, a short holiday of a few days to discover this futuristic city surrounded by desert. In addition to architecture and cutting-edge modernity, I could not resist the lure of the sand dunes and here I am leaving early in...

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    Today I want to talk to you about a mobile app that I used a lot to capture the moments of my last trip to Dubai not only with images, but also with short videos. Meipai is an application produced by Meitu and enables you...

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    I finally saw the exhibition The Art of The Brick: more than 100 sculptures made with Lego bricks by Nathan Sawaya. The LEGO, simple game, become the vehicle of art and expressive form like clay, marble, wood or bronze. In addition to original creations Sawaya...

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    After having discovered and tried in San Francisco, I could not wait that UberEats, the food delivery service by Uber, landed in Milan. Sometimes happens to have a very busy period where it is difficult to have the time to go to the grocery store,...

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    Just over a year ago me and my boyfriend decided to go to live together in a house that we chose, furnished and designed together. We were lucky: we have a similar style and therefore, wall colors aside, we had not discussed particularly and I...