• 1133 0

    “Stand up straight” How many times we heard that by our mothers? Personally, I thought was a pain in the neck, but over the years I realized that as well as being important for health, good posture conveys a sense of security, makes us look...

  • 916 0

    Haven’t you bought a Cardboard viewer yet? The Awakening of the Force may be affected! I don’t know you, but here at Mygeeksuit’s home months ago started the countdown to the seventh episode of the Star Wars series of tomorrow … and apparently we’re not...

  • 1144 0

    Christmas is an important time to spend with our loved ones… not only human! You’d know that in my life there was at least one pet: when I was a child I loved to spend hours and hours playing with my dogs in the garden...

  • 1099 0

    We already talked about how technology can be very important for women in terms of security (do you remember Dorothy?) and it is a subject that is particularly close to my heart. Aside from that happened to each of us at least once to be...