A disturbed sleep, in the long run, cause stress and fatigue. Among app, bracelets, caps and lenses, here is the latest technology to help you find a good rest to recharge energy.

Sleep Phones

At first glance it seems a sports wing, but actually are headphones with which to listen to music and relax leaning on the pillow without hassles.


Up is a bracelet that monitors cocli sleep, monitors the REM phase, and keeps count of how many times you wake up during the notte.L’app Up Coffee instead calculates how the daily intake of caffeine impact on sleep quality.


Glasses combining sleep: the lenses are able to filter the blue light that comes from TV, tablets and smartphones, and that goes to reduce the production of melatonin, which is essential for a good rest.

Sleep Time

Sleep Time is an app that decides when to wake up with a margin of half an hour earlier or later than the set time. During learned Sleep Time clear whether we are going through a phase agitated or relaxed and the basis of these parameters defines the best time to wake up.

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