Some days I can’t wait to get back home to relax, others to see friends, others again I can’t give up training; to keep fit, of course, but above all to drain the stress accumulated during the day.

In these cases nothing is better than wear a pair of protective straps and beating strong against a punching bag … that sometimes in my mind has a particular human shape 🙂

That’s why I look forward to the launch on the market of Corner, wearable device dedicated to boxer or enthusiasts.

Corner allows to measure the performance thanks to two small trackers on to the hand protection that connected to the smartphone keep track of punches, blocks and combinations, saving them in the cloud in order to make them accessible from different devices.

The idea of ​​Charles, Ravi and Jerry, the company’s founders, was presented at the International CES 2016 in Las Vegas and will be available on the market on summer.

We look after that! Do you think that performance can be monitored even on the basis of the person  that mentally takes the place of the bag?

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